Organic Produce • Baked Goods • Pasture Raised Poultry




Owned and Operated by a Mother & Daughter in Valatie, NY

We believe in raising and growing simply – as nature intended.

Willowwood is a small Mother-Daughter owned and operated farm located in Valatie, NY on a former dairy farm.

Customers can pop by for baked goods, some veggies to go with dinner, flowers, eggs or even just a chat about what’s happening on the farm. We grow an array of vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits in our two high tunnels (greenhouses) and there is always something baking in the kitchen.

We never use pesticides, herbicides or any other non-organic substance on our farm so you can feel good about what you put into your body.

Our flock of chickens are pasture raised and never spend time indoors.

They get most of their nutritional needs met by foraging, but also have access to an organic, soy-free grain. In the warmer months, their mobile coops are moved to fresh pasture every 1-2 weeks, giving them access to some of their favorite things – worms, spiders, ants and various grasses.

In return they lay gorgeous eggs with rich, orange yolks that are full of vitamin E and omega-3s.

Questions, Comments, or Suggestions?

Send us a message! We will get back to you as quickly as possible.